Monday, March 24, 2008

Caleb and Grandpa

Caleb and I had our first visit to creek park today, Its about a 2+ mile walk, pretty good for a 60+ and 1 1/2 year old, Its hard to believe but right in middle of the city, we visited the horses , ducks,and chickens, reminded me of the old farm,when we sat by the creek and thru stuff at the ducks, Ha ,Ha. We petted horses and made all kinds of animal sounds. I taught him to be careful , when the dark red horse laid back his ears, and stomped the ground. we had fun when we went thru the Imperial tunnel, we made all kinds of echo's. and said hI! to everyone who walked by. Caleb even tried to talk some fries off some teenage bikers who were having lunch but his "please, please" didn"t work. so He started saying UM, UM, UM ( translated lets eat) so I knew our adventure was over, so home to lunch, and of course nap time, Grandpa led the way! I never got to take naps in the middle of the day before! Oh the joys of being Grandpa, to top His day off Caleb went down to the beach to visit Aunt Elizabeth, and Uncle Dan, what a life! (see their blog)
ps Grandma is in montana!!

1 comment:

Trinity Bat Co. said...

What a great day! I am sure there is nothing in the world either of you would have rather been doing! Fun Post!